Thursday, April 17, 2014

Guilty Pleasure

Have you ever heard that phrase? If you’ve heard, you’re adorable. Haha. But if you haven’t heard before, don’t be sad! let’s see the explanation below.
Merriam-Webster dictionary:
something pleasurable that induces a usually minor feeling of guilt
A guilty pleasure is something one enjoys and considers pleasurable despite feeling guilt for enjoying it. The “guilt” involved is sometimes simply fear of others discovering one’s lowbrow or otherwise embarrassing tastes, such as campy styles of entertainment.
Collins Dictionaries:
Something, such as a film, television programme, or piece of music, that are enjoyable despite feeling that it is not generally held in high regard
So, now you know that phrase meaning? Well, as a human we have love or like something that, in one side, making us said, “oh gosh it’s so damn lovable! It gorgeous!” Bla bla bla. But in the other side, how shameful if our friends or anyone know about that, or you feel bad if you do it. Don’t worry. Almost all people have their own guilty pleasure. And so do I. I have some guilty pleasure and I would share it here. Here it come.
  •  I do love watching cartoon, such as “The Amazing World of Gumbal”. No matter how old I am. It doesn’t wrong to love children content, right? Haha.
  • Sometimes, if I’m in hurry, I’m having meal or drink while I’m walking. I know that habbit is forbidden. But I … err… okay… I’ll try to fix this bad habbit immadiately ;)
  • Stalking someone who capture my attention on their social media. No matter I know or I don’t know him/her before.
  • Being a secret admirer. (Don’t ask!)
  • Singing Justin bieber or One Direction’s songs (sometimes kpop songs) on my way home.
  • And many more. Haha.  Beat that!
Actually, I can’t described all of it because that content is too much sensitive. There’s my guilty pleasure. What's  yours?

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Metrologi Bandung [Part 2]

Hey, i'm back. now i continue my stories in Metrologi Bandung. i told u that i have some awkward (or maybe) great and funny moments there. Ready for this? here's the best awkward moment which not related at all with metrologi. XD
so, you think it still was great, huh?

I proposed ;)


People around me

before i graduated i would like to make a huge of memory
with everyone i met. it's a big deal,  huh? haha. alright i dedicated this post to anyone that i am / was 'sticky'-to, to whoever that accept me in the complex social relationship, to the environment which accompany me as the system in which still rapidly grow up.
guys, you rock my world!! \m/

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Ini Blog-ku, Mana Blog-mu?

Merhatiin grafik di atas cukup menarik perhatian saya. Pasalnya, saya gak nyangka kalau selama ini ada yang buka blog saya #terharu. Ada banyak alasan yang masuk akal kenapa bisa orang-orang "nyasar" hingga "terdampar" di blog saya, salah satunya mungkin karena saya pernah nge-posting tugas kimia dimana isinya adalah sejumlah soal kimia tugas sekolah saya. Saking malasnya ketemu temen buat ngasih tau tugasnya yang mana (karena disadari terlalu menguras pulsa hp tatkala harus menjarkomkan tugas lewat sms ke semua temen) sangat penting untuk dikerjakan (oke, saya nyadar ini terlalu basa-basi). Tapi lucu juga inget masa-masa sma, dimana saya agak 'so' tau dan rada-rada inet freak, bisa menggaet hati para penjelajah dunia maya untuk sekedar berkunjung ke blog saya. Terima kasih banyak! Andalah penggenjot trafik blog saya.

So, Ini Blog-ku, Mana Blog-mu?